Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Random Thoughts 3/4

My thoughts today...

Events occur when they are suppose to not when you want them to! My video shoot for "May Sound Crazy" was initially scheduled for March 1, but that did not occur due to the snow storm :( We were gonna do it on Feb 28, but I was performing @ a talent show at Oakcrest Community Center.

So on Sunday I went thru the whole I should have had the shoot yesterday, it was a good day...yada yada. But there was a reason why I was suppose to be @ the talent show...there is a reason we didn't shoot Sunday... there is a reason we're shooting tomorrow!

When things happen....that event is a piece of the puzzle, you don't have the ability to see the complete puzzle at the time. Later down the line you're gonna be like if this didnt happen then that wouldnt have happened, and if that didnt happen this wouldn't have happened...

So with that said...ride the wave of life and remember when adversity happens focus on what you're suppose to learn from it, not what happened!

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